The French curriculum at Coop Academy Florence MacWilliams is delivered through high quality teaching and provides students with a rigorous and diverse education that focuses on communication, grammar manipulation and knowledge of and respect for other cultures.
Through our carefully planned and sequenced lessons, students gain opportunities to develop the phonics, vocabulary and grammar necessary to understand and communicate in French. Students learn to listen, speak, read and write with confidence in French at the same time as developing cultural understanding of life in France and French- Speaking countries.
The curriculum is centered around the principles of PACE with students encouraged to take Pride in their work. Our curriculum content provides a high level of challenge demonstrating Ambition for all students, students show that they Care about the quality of their work and are consistently encouraged to demonstrate Excellence in all aspects of their work.
The curriculum is sequenced according to grammar structures (key concepts) which build over time and are frequently revisited* allowing students to develop a deeper understanding of the French language. Through the explicit teaching of phonics in Year 7 and regular revisiting throughout Years 8 and 9, we aim to create confident and competent speakers of French.
As well as learning the French language, students are provided with a wide range of opportunities to learn about life in French-speaking countries developing their intercultural understanding.
By providing a knowledge rich education, we empower our students to become informed and compassionate global citizens who can contribute positively to society. Our KS3 Curriculum covers the National Curriculum for MFL in full and prepares students for French at KS4.